Newsletter 01

According to Shaping Europe’s digital future: ”Digital technologies – actions in response to coronavirus pandemic – EC,2020”, digital technology is a key component of our collective effort to tackle Covid-19’s negative socio-economic impact and, support our new ways of living and working reality during this exceptional time.

In this scenario, the project eU-COMMERCE: “Promoting a new European e-commerce VET educational pathway to increase levels of skills for employability and sustainable business creation” aims at promoting an innovative VET training methodology specifically designed for creating and run effectively online sales businesses, by developing a flexible learning offer and e-tools,adapted to the learning needs of adult learners as well as VET Trainers when it comes to navigate the online world, while improving levels of skills for employability and new business creation (including social entrepreneurship) and thus, increasing the general sense of initiative and entrepreneurship within the online sales and e-commerce sector.

Finally, during the past 30th and 31th of May 2022 the kick-off meeting of the project eU-COMMERCE took place in Győr, Hungary and in this occasion, the 7th project Partners were able to fine-tune the first project result (eU-COMMERCE Framework of Competence) and started defining the following two: the Online Course & Educational APP for present an future Digital Entrepreneurs which will soon be under development and ready for free use by anyone and from anywhere.

As an anticipation, please check out the brand-new project website, available in English, Dutch, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish language.

Thanks for your attention and stay tuned for more news about the project eU-Commerce.

This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project No: 2021-1-HU01-KA220-VET-000034615

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